Select a membership:
Monthly Plan (with 7 Days FREE)
Sign up for a monthly plan to CRNP TV for access to over 1400 videos in Pole Dance, Floor Work, Flexibility, Routines, Strength & Conditioning and more!Membership is billed monthly after your FREE 7 day trial. Includes access to the CRNP APP on Google Play, App Store and Apple TV! Cancel at anytime! No refunds.
6 Month Plan (with 7 Days FREE)
Sign up for a 6 month plan to CRNP TV for access to over 1300 videos in Pole Dance, Floor Work, Flexibility, Routines, Strength & Conditioning and more!
Membership is billed every 6 months after your FREE 7 day trial. Includes access to the CRNP APP on Google Play, App Store and Apple TV!
Cancel at anytime! No refunds.
Annual Plan (with 7 Days FREE)
Sign up for an annual plan (most popular plan) to CRNP TV for access to over 1400 videos in Pole Dance, Floor Work, Flexibility, Routines, Strength & Conditioning and more! Membership is billed yearly after your FREE 7 day trial. Includes access to the CRNP APP on Google Play, App Store and Apple TV! Cancel at anytime! No refunds.